Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Onward and into the unknow.

An when I say "unknown" I mean the dating world. I done did it again and trolling round in the wonderful world of online dating again. I have to be a Masochist to do this shit again. I know it's not that horrible, I have quite a few friends that have found lovely significant others via online dating and all that and I couldn't be happier for them, but the more I check it out and "try" the more I get to thinking that is just a huge time waster, not much unlike A glorified Angry Birds that you sit and push the silly little buttons over and over till you finally land on something worth wile that may take you to the next level... Most the time it's a fail and you try again, come at it from a few different angles and let her fly again, but the longer you play the harder it gets and the more frustrating you get finding that what once was a fun curiosity is now just a waste of time. Ya so that's fun.

Doing a little something new now and singing a bit more often. was adopted into a fun little band in town. It's been a cool distraction and keeping stuff on my plate so I don't get idle hands.

That all I really got for now, so guess I'll get back to flogging myself. Sheesh