Monday, June 14, 2010

Well that is that is... that

So that show thing I did for a while, it's over now and I know I will go a bit insane with out having the extra stuff to do, but not miss the insanity that it brought on it's self. The production that is, not me.

All in all not a bad come back for the Woodland kid that hasn't been on stage in I can't even remember how many years. An at least we went out with a bang, didn't we Boo. ;)

On to more auditions and other shows at different theaters and different faces. Though there are a few I'm going to miss seeing from this one, I'm sure as hell fire glad I got to met them. And a few I'm even keeping. MINE! :)

My folks came out to see it today, it was one of those moments where you can see they forgot how amazing it could all be, how talented I use to be. It all kind of rushed back, to see the tears in their eyes, the pride, the joy I brought them. Fuck me I missed that more than anything else. If there is any reason to have gotten back on this bucking filly that was it right there. That moment of seeing my folks so over come. Think they may have missed it more than I did?

That chapter in this story has closed out nicely with a few new charters to add to the list and with perhaps the turn of an old favorite plot line. I do love me a happy ending. :)

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